
Realizing the fact that FPMIPA UPI students come from different economic conditions and the desire to open up the widest possible learning opportunities, the faculty management always makes various efforts in providing financial assistance (scholarships). Some of these efforts are the provision of scholarship assistance from within the institution itself, cooperation with various government institutions/private companies/foundations in various schemes, and the provision of other opportunities. Scholarship schemes are in the form of living assistance costs, semester education costs, research fees / thesis completion or official bond scholarships.

Regarding the provision of scholarship assistance from within the institution itself, FPMIPA provides/distributes thesis completion assistance funds for students in need. The aid fund was obtained from donations from parents of students who are members of the FPMIPA Student Parents Association (KOM FPMIPA).

In order to make government programs successful in equal distribution of educational opportunities, FPMIPA UPI also encourages the delivery of information and provides quotas / opportunities for prospective students to get educational assistance. Educational scholarship assistance provided by the government includes:


Government tuition assistance for high school graduates or equivalent who have good academic potential but have economic limitations. This assistance program is proposed by prospective students before being accepted at FPMIPA UPI with the amount of assistance covering the cost of providing semester education and living expenses. Information and Registration:

Beasiswa Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik (PPA)

This scholarship is given to undergraduate students who are at least in semester II in semester VII. The scholarship amount is Rp. 400 thousand / month, at least for 6 months. Information and Registration: directly in the academic section of the faculty.


Apart from going through government programs, other scholarships are:

Beasiswa Djarum

The recipients of the Djarum Scholarship Plus receive a scholarship fund of IDR 1,000,000 every month for 1 year. In addition to scholarship funds, the recipients of the Djarum Scholarship Plus (Beswan Djarum) also receive various kinds of soft skills, in order to harmonize the academic achievements (hard skills) obtained on campus with various skills so that the Beswan Djarums in the future become intelligent and capable human beings. emotional. Information and registration:

Beasiswa Bank Indonesia

The Bank Indonesia Scholarship Program has been started since 2011, aimed at undergraduate students. Recipients will receive a scholarship of 1,000,000, - s.d. 1,500,000,- every month. tuition fees, study allowances, and living expenses. The recipients of the BI Scholarship are also accommodated by the Indonesian New Generation (GenBI) community and will later receive various trainings on a regular, planned, and targeted basis to improve individual competencies, as well as develop character and leadership so that they can become superior and competitive people. 

Beasiswa Karya Salemba Empat (KSE)

The scholarship scheme offered by the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation is provided in the form of educational allowances for D4/S1 students who have completed at least the second semester of education. Two types of scholarships are offered, namely Regular Scholarship and Achievement Scholarship. Scholarship suggestions that can be received are in the form of living expenses of Rp. 750,000, - / month for one year (Regular Scholarship), and can be extended and added with an SPP allowance of Rp. 1,500,000, - per semester for 1 year (Excellent Scholarship). Information and registration: https: //

Beasiswa Bank BRI BRILiaN

Scholarships are given to selected students that aim to improve the competence of BRILiaN Scholarship Recipients through programs arranged in the BRILiaN Scholarship curriculum, so that later they are expected to be able to become a cadre of future BRI leaders through the BRILiaN Future Leader Program (BFLP). This scholarship is intended for students S1 who is currently studying in semesters 5-8. Information and registration:

XL Future Leader Batch 10

XLFL is an integrated training program for students level 1 - 2 (semesters 1-4) which focuses on 3 areas of competence needed to be able to take part at the global level. This program runs for 2 years. Information and registration: