fpmipa@upi.edu +62-22-2001108

The Master Program of Physics Education (MP-PE) study program was established on May 24, 2012, through Decree No. 3406/UN40/DT/2012. The name of the MP-PE aligns with the nomenclature outlined from the Minister of Research and Technology Decree No. 257/M/KPT/2017 regarding Program Names at Higher Education Institutions. Currently, the MPE program holds an "Excellent" accreditation, which is granted through Decree No. 182/SK/LAMDIK/Ak/M/I/2023 dated January 31, 2023, which is valid until March 13, 2028 . The MPE program aims to prepare students to become competent planners, developers, thinkers, and practitioners in the field of MP-PE. The vision of the Master Program in MP-PE at FPMIPA UPI is to become a center for education and study in MP-PE that is excellent and has an international reputation.

Head and Secretary of Physics Education Study Program
Bachelor and Master Programs
Period 2023 – 2027




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