fpmipa@upi.edu +62-22-2001108
Quality Assurance System

Aligned with The Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Regulation Number 62/2016 on QA system of higher education. UPI implements Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) and External Quality Assurance (EQA). In the IQA the process include plan, do, evaluate, control, and enhance. The EQA process comprises of evaluate, control, and enhance. EQA at UPI is indispensable and serves as a mechanism to enhance the quality and standards that have been implemented. The process of EQA involves self-evaluation report (SER), evaluation by external agencies, quality control and enhancement based on the feedbacks given.

Internal dan External Quality Assurance process at UPI

1. Performance Target Document (view)

2.Performance Report Document (view)

3. Document External Quality Audit Report

3.1. External Benchmarking AQAS Report(view)

Undergraduate Program : Science Education, Biology Education, Biology
Master's Program : Science Education
Program S3 : Science Education

3.2. External Benchmarking ASIIN Report (view)

Undergraduate Program : Mathematics Education , Mathematics , Computer Science Education, Computer Science

3.3. External Benchmarking ASIIN Report (view)

Undergraduate Program : Physics, Physics Education , Chemistry, Chemistry Education
Program S2 : Kimia