Become a Leading and Outstanding Master Study Program in the field of computer science/informatics education at national and international levels.
- Organizing master's level education as an effort to create professional graduates who are creative, innovative, adaptive, think critically, and contribute to overcoming various problems in computer science education.
- Conducting research and studies that are useful for the world of education, computer science/informatics, and society through a cross-vertilization approach between computer science and education.
- Organizing community service as a real implementation of learning and research outcomes by involving educational institutions, companies/industry, professional organizations, and government.
- Build national and international networks to collaborate in scientific improvement in the fields of education, research, and scientific publications.
- Referring to the vision and mission above, the following are the objectives of the Master of Computer Science Education Study Program:
- To produce graduates who are faithful and devoted to God Almighty, manifested by an attitude of integrity, honesty, empathy, and responsibility.
- To produce graduates who are able to apply the noble values of Pancasila and have a high sense of nationalism.
- To produce graduates who have competence in theories/concepts and implementations in the fields of education, software engineering, multimedia, computer networks, and other latest technologies.
- Produce graduates who are able to carry out research independently to solve problems in the world of education by involving various disciplines.
- Produce graduates as experts in the field of computer science education who are ready to enter and work in Indonesian and international communities.
- Produce graduates who have the ability to build networks/cooperation, communication, and high self-development.