Vision, Mission and Objective

FPMIPA has prepared the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan which is in line with the 2021-2025 UPI Strategic Plan (UPI MWA Regulation No. 04 of 2020). In the Strategic Plan, the Vision, Mission and Objectives of FPMIPA are stated as follows:

FPMIPA aspires to become a pioneering, superior and dignified faculty in the education of science and science disciplines. In 2025, this vision is aimed at making FPMIPA a faculty capable of competing at the Asian level. The pioneer in question is placing FPMIPA as a pioneer and leader in Mathematics and Natural Sciences education. To be interpreted as superior, FPMIPA positions itself as a faculty that is competitive, responsive, and continues to improve quality. Meanwhile, the word dignified is interpreted as prioritizing ethical values ​​and integrity in every academic achievement

FPMIPA Mission

To realize this vision, FPMIPA carries out four main missions, namely:

  1. Organizing education to produce educators and scientists in the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
  2. Develop research as a basis for education and community service.
  3. Apply research results for community empowerment.
  4. Strengthening national and international networks to support the internationalization of education.

FPMIPA objectives

FPMIPA aims to produce individuals who are faithful, devout, moral, creative and competitive. Some of the main goals include:

  1. Organizing research-based higher education that is relevant to current developments.
  2. Produce innovations in various fields of science that support community welfare.
  3. Building healthy and internationally oriented faculty governance.

Work Commitment