by FPMIPA UPI    Jan 07, 2023


On January 7 2022, the 2023 LPDP Scholarship Socialization activity was held at the UPI FPMIPA Auditorium, Bandung. This socialization was carried out as an annual agenda for the LPDP committee and this year UPI hosted this activity. This socialization aims to provide a space for discussion for UPI students who are interested in taking part in the LPDP scholarship. The Education Fund Management Institute, or LPDP, is an institution that organizes scholarship programs annually for the masters/doctoral level in order to prepare future leaders and professionals and encourage innovation for the realization of a prosperous, democratic and just Indonesia.

To get this scholarship, of course, there are prerequisites that need to be achieved by prospective scholarship participants, which include:

  1. Register via the website https://beasiswalpdp.kemenkeu.go.id/
  2. Fulfill the files that must be fulfilled,
  3. Do a written test,
  4. Doing a psychological test,
  5. Make an essay.

Further information can be accessed through the website https://lpdp.kemenkeu.go.id/