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ICMScE 2024: Enhancing Global Collaboration in Science and Mathematics Education
  by FPMIPA UPI    Jul 08, 2024

ICMScE 2024: Enhancing Global Collaboration in Science and Mathematics Education

The Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences Education (FPMIPA) at the Indonesian University of Education (UPI), in collaboration with the East Asian Association for Science Education (EASE), successfully hosted the annual International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE) 2024. The hybrid event saw participation from 321 individuals, including 7 keynote speakers and 256 presenters from various countries, both online and in person. The conference was held at JICA Building A – FPMIPA Campus UPI Bumi Siliwangi, Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, from Monday to Wednesday (July 8-10, 2024).

In her report, the Chairperson of the Organizing Committee, Irma Rahma Suwarma, S.Si., M.Pd., Ph.D., stated that this conference served as a meeting point for international academics, researchers, and educators. UPI’s Rector, Prof. Dr. H. M. Solehuddin, M.Pd., M.A., officially opened the Joint Conference EASE-ICMScE 2024, with welcome remarks from the Dean of FPMIPA UPI, Prof. Dr. H. Tatang Herman, M.Ed., and the President of EASE.

This year’s theme was “Strengthening Science and Mathematics Education as a Valuable Foundation for Sustainable Development Goals,” highlighting the crucial role of science and mathematics education in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The conference featured seven keynote speakers who shared their expertise in their respective fields. These included Prof. Dr. Tosihide Hirano from Japan, Prof. Dr. Chokchai Yuenyong from Thailand, Prof. Dr. Wan Zhihong from Hong Kong, Prof. Sri Rahayu, M.Ed., Ph.D., from Indonesia, Prof. Fang-Ying Yang from Taiwan, Prof. Hyoung-Yong Park from South Korea, and Prof. Bao Hui Zhang, Ph.D., from China.

With a total of 321 participants, including 256 presenters, the conference served as a global forum uniting academics from countries such as Mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, the United States, the Philippines, Malaysia, Germany, and Africa. This wide international participation underscores the importance of science and mathematics education in a global context.

In addition to the presentations, ICMScE 2024 also hosted a Research Poster Exhibition, providing academics the opportunity to showcase their findings and engage in discussions with colleagues from around the world. The conference agenda included presentations from keynote and invited speakers, as well as parallel sessions held both online and offline.

The conference concluded with a ceremony that included the announcement of award winners and a closing statement from the committee chair. The success of this event not only enhanced international collaboration but also provided valuable insights into strengthening science and mathematics education for a more sustainable future.

The exchange of ideas, expertise, and cultural perspectives during this conference is expected to have a lasting impact on global science education. The event paves the way for a future where science and mathematics education play a crucial role in building a more sustainable and advanced world.