Inside Tech Industries: A Close-Up View from the BCA Industrial Visit
  by FPMIPA UPI    Oct 03, 2024

Inside Tech Industries: A Close-Up View from the BCA Industrial Visit

This year, the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Kemakom Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education (FPMIPA) at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) once again held an Industrial Visit with the theme “Inside Tech Industries: A Close-Up View” this time to BCA Wisma Foresta. The event, which took place on October 3, 2024, aimed to provide students with practical insights into the banking sector, particularly regarding technological innovations and customer service practices implemented by BCA, one of Indonesia’s largest banks.

This visit offered valuable experiences for students to understand how Bank BCA applies information and communication technology (ICT) in modern banking. Additionally, students were introduced to various digital strategies used by BCA to enhance banking services, ranging from customer data management to app-based services like myBCA.

The event commenced with a welcome address from BCA representatives, who shared information about the company’s history, the technological advancements that have been adopted, and BCA’s vision and mission in navigating the digital era. Students also received in-depth explanations regarding innovations in digital financial products, such as mobile banking services, digital transaction security features, and the ICT infrastructure that supports BCA’s operations.

Following this, participants were invited to take a brief tour of several facilities at Wisma Foresta to observe how BCA employees work with advanced digital systems. Students were also given the opportunity to engage in direct discussions with members of BCA’s technology team, who provided insights into the challenges and solutions related to data management, information security, and customer service.

This visit provided a new perspective for students to understand the role of ICT in the banking sector, particularly in the effort to deliver fast, secure, and effective services. By participating in this industrial visit, students are expected to inspire themselves to innovate and develop skills in the field of ICT, which is crucial in various industrial sectors, including banking.

Overall, the industrial visit to BCA Wisma Foresta, organized by BEM Kemakom FPMIPA UPI, represents a significant step in enriching students’ understanding of the application of ICT in the banking world. This activity not only enhances technical knowledge but also motivates students to contribute to the development of technological innovations that benefit society in the future.