Celebrating the First Batch Graduation 2024 at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)
  by FPMIPA UPI    Feb 21, 2024

Celebrating the First Batch Graduation 2024 at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Sebuah gambar berisi pakaian, orang, kostum akademik, WisudaDeskripsi dibuat secara otomatis

On February 21, 2024, during the First Batch Graduation Ceremony of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), a total of 831 students joyfully declared graduation. The majority (85.6%) of the graduates completed bachelor’s degree programs, while 11.4% achieved master’s degrees, 2.8% successfully attained doctoral degrees, and 0.2% completed diploma programs, including both education and non-education programs. This moment serves as a tangible testament to the graduates’ enduring journey in the field of knowledge. The First Batch Graduation Ceremony of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia serves as a significant celebration, where academic achievements are duly acknowledged and celebrated.

Among the graduates, there were those who received awards for their outstanding academic achievements. The best graduates at FPMIPA are as follows:

  1. Bachelor’s degree achieved by Hikmawati Fajriah Ayu Wardana from Computer Science with a GPA of 3.91, which is a highly satisfying predicate.
  2. Master’s degree was achieved by Ikbal Pauji from Mathematics Education with a GPA of 3.98, earning the Cumlaude predicate.
  3. Doctoral degree was achieved by Lia Ardiansari from the Mathematics Education Study Program with a GPA of 3.91, who also received a highly satisfying predicate.

Congratulations to the graduates for their extraordinary achievements. May every step taken bring success and happiness in their life journey towards a brighter future, and may their attained degrees bring blessings upon them.