Science Laboratory Technician / Assistant
  by MI FPMIPA    Sep 30, 2022

Science Laboratory Technician / Assistant

Criteria : Live maximum 30 minutes away from Pluit, Minimum experience of working in a school laboratory for 1 year, Science background and have a relevant science degree (biology/physics/chemistry), Relevant laboratory experience (preferably within a school setting), Strong initiative, high self-organization skill, Good moral character certificate from the appropriate agency, Excellent health physically and mentally, At least two references (not relative) for background check

Job Description: Coordinating with academic staff to discuss equipment requirements including timetables, workplans, Making inventory of all Science Labs every May and November, Preparing equipment and chemicals before lessons, Maintaining and repairing equipment and laboratory apparatus, Ensuring that equipment are properly cleaned and that chemicals, drugs and other materials are stored appropriately, Supporting science experiments in the science laboratories, Helping ensure that all health and safety procedures are understood and followed correctly, Coordinating with the academic staff to ensure efficient use is made of expensive pieces of equipment, Reporting directly to the Principal, Other activities the Principal sees fit.