by FPMIPA UPI    Sep 23, 2023


On September 23, 2023, the National Physics Seminar was held. This event was organized by the Department of Physics Education and took place both in-person and online at the FPMIPA UPI Auditorium. The theme of the seminar was “Cutting-Edge Physics Research and Physics Education in Preparing the 2045 Golden Generation.”

The seminar invited various speakers, including: (1) Drs. Waslaluddin, M.T, (2) Dr. Mimin Iryanti, M.Si, (3) Drs. Harun Imansyah, M.Ed, (4) Dra. Heni Rusnayani, M.Si, (5) Drs. Agus Danawan, M.Si. Participants included professors, students, and the general public.

In addition, there were keynote speakers from various universities in Indonesia. These keynote speakers were (1) Dr. Taufik Ramlan Ramalis, M.Si, from the Department of Physics Education at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, (2) Dr. sc. hum. Deni Hardiansyah, from the Department of Physics at the Universitas Indonesia, and (3) Prof. Dr. Chaerul Rochman, M.Pd. from the Department of Physics at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati.

The event was divided into two sessions: the scope of physics education and the scope of physics. In the physics education session, topics discussed included scientific publication with a focus on model development/implementation, approaches to physics learning, assessment in physics education, the development of media and multimedia, the professional development of physics teachers, and action research in physics education.

Similarly, in the second session, the discussion revolved around scientific publication with a focus on theoretical physics, particle and nuclear physics, earth and space physics, material physics, instrumentation physics, and computational electronics and biophysics.

This event was held in collaboration with the Physical Society of Indonesia.