Friday, August 5, 2022
The East Asian Association for Science Education (EASE) is an international association that focuses on Science Education. This association was founded in 2010 by researchers, educators, and scholars from Korea, Japan, and Hong Kong. The association, which started from the three regions, was later expanded to include members from other countries such as Taiwan and Mainland China. In 2021, Indonesia and Thailand were elected as EASE members, so that EASE membership continues to grow. Indonesia’s membership is supported by the cooperation of several universities in Indonesia, namely the Indonesia University of Education (UPI), Pakuan University (UNPAK), The State University of Malang (UM), Semarang State University (UNNES), University of Jember (UNEJ), and Mulawarman University ( UNMUL). The Indonesia Region head office is located in the JICA Building, FPMIPA UPI. The leadership of this association was agreed to change every two years, and in 2022-2024, the Indonesia region was elected as the leader of EASE, and Prof. Dr Anna Permanasari, M.Si became the eighth president of EASE.
Routine activities carried out by EASE are the EASE International Conference, developing the EASE newsletter, and the summer school program. Currently, the Indonesia region has been entrusted with the EASE Summer School 2022, and UPI has been chosen to host the event. The theme of the activity is Empowering Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education for SDGs. This activity was fully supported by the Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences (FPMIPA) Prof. Dr. Tatang Herman, M.Ed, and the Head of the Science Education Study Program, Dr. Ida Kaniawati, M.Si. This activity was officially opened by the Chancellor of UPI Prof. H. M. Solehuddin, M.Pd, M.A who said that although this collaboration faced several challenges such as diversity of language, culture, and ideas, these challenges could provide valuable experience for the participants to be able to initiate international collaboration. This activity was attended by 28 participants. 7 presenters, and 17 group facilitators from seven regions (Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mainland China, Taiwan, and Thailand).