Master Program

Master Program of Computer Science Education

Home News Profile Academic Research Facilities Students Alumni Admission Quality Assurance Collaboration with PT Meisou Paid Off
  by Erlangga FPMIPA    Feb 24, 2023

The Computer Science Education Study Program and the Computer Science Study Program at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia have collaborated with PT Meisou which began with assessing and selecting students who have potential. Previous articles can be seen on the link .


Figure 1. Take a Picture with PT Meisou Representatives

Currently, there are 3 alumni from the Computer Science Study Program and 2 alumni from the Computer Science Education Study Program at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia who have been recruited to work on projects from companies in Japan by PT Meisou. As many as 2 alumni from the recruitment of the first batch have had contract extensions with better income.

This opens up opportunities to conduct exploratory discussions for an internship program for 1 year that can be used as the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program for the Computer Science Education Study Program and the Computer Science Study Program. This also gave rise to the initiation for the Computer Science Education Study Program and the Computer Science Study Program to create a Japanese language club to facilitate Japanese language skills. PT Meisou will provide support as a form of collaboration for graduates who have been successfully recruited. Hopefully this collaboration will be able to continue for the progress of both parties in the future.


Writer: Rosa A. S.