Master Program

Master Program of Computer Science Education

History of Computer Science Education Department

The Computer Science Education Department (CSE Dept.) which is part of the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty (FPMIPA) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) was established in 2005. At first, this department was only a Computer Science Program (CS). However, since 2015 CS has officially become a new department named the Department of Computer Science Education. This department consists of two study programs, namely Computer Science Program and Computer Science Education Program. The degree obtained for graduates of the Computer Science Program is Bachelor of Computer Science (S.Kom.) while the degree of Computer Science Education Study Program is Bachelor of Education (S.Pd.) with teacher certificate to teach ICT at junior school and high school.  

This is aligned with the main vision of UPI's academic unit which can provide graduates who are leading, competitive, and able to develop sustainably.

Since 2009, both study programs have delivered graduates with more than 92% who be employees for less than 5 months after graduation. Besides, there are few graduates who have worked before graduation. Both study programs are supported by quality student intakes. Computer Science Education and Computer Science are two study programs with the highest strict level of entry from all of the programs in UPI during 2009. The lecturers come from the fields of education as well as computer science/informatics or even a combination of both. At present, there are 28 permanent lecturers and still increasing.

Since January 21, 2021, the Department of Computer Science Education began a new study program, namely the Master's Program in Computer Science Education, based on the letter from the Chancellor of UPI 124/UN40/HK.02/2021/. Therefore, since the odd semester of 2021/2022 the Computer Science Education Master's Degree Study Program has accepted new students. This study program was founded with the vision of: "To become a pioneering and superior Masters Study Program (Leading and Outstanding) in the field of computer science/informatics education at the national and international level."