Master Program

Master Program of Computer Science Education

List of Students and Academic Advisors Master of Computer Science Education

To ensure each student's academic performance, the study program employs lecturers as academic supervisors. Academic supervisors have the following responsibilities:

  1. Create academic guidance programs for mentored students.
  2. Communicating academic guidance programs to students and developing a commitment to academic culture.
  3. Provide academic guidance to students on a regular basis in accordance with the program agreed upon.
  4. Approving online student tuition contracts every semester.
  5. Take a look at how students are doing with their studies, including the length of time they spend studying, their performance, and any difficulties that may occur.
  6. Make recommendations to the head of the department or program about how to improve student studies after they have been monitored and evaluated.
  7. Refer students experiencing difficulties to UPT Guidance and Counseling, and Career Development (BKPK) UPI if necessary.
  8. Prepare progress reports on student learning for parents or guardians in collaboration with the Head of the Department/Prodi.
  9. Make suggestions about leave, transfer, and promoting learning achievement.

Academic supervisors and their students are listed below:

  1. Class of 2021 Students

The recapitulation of the academic supervisor can be seen in the following table: