Master Program

Master Program of Computer Science Education

Computer Science Education Students succeeded in becoming the Top 10 UPI Outstanding Students in 2023
  by Erlangga FPMIPA    Apr 11, 2023

Dwi Novia Al Husaeni, Bachelor of 2021 Computer Science Education class, has succeeded in becoming 1 of 10 outstanding students at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in 2023. This achievement reflects her hard work, dedication, and exceptional academic performance.

Figure 1. Dwi Novia Al Husaeni, Computer Science Education Student Class of 2021

Dwi’s journey before being named the UPI Outstanding Student in 2023 was quite long, starting with being offered to register for the selection of outstanding students by the Head of the Computer Science Education Study Program, Dr. Wahyudin, M.T. on March 27, 2023.

Followed by a selection at the Faculty level where Dwi had to compete with 30 other outstanding students from FPMIPA (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education). At this stage, participants must prepare requirements including creative idea scripts, creative idea posters, self-description posters, featured achievements, and a 5-minute video discussing the topic of SGDs. Based on the selection results, there were 3 students who would represent FPMIPA at the university-level selection. These students include Dwi Novia Al Husaeni (Computer Science Education 2021), Aina Salsabila Muamar (Science Education 2020), and Sekar Madu Kusumawardhi (Computer Science 2021).

Figure 2. Certificate of FPMIPA Students who are entitled to take part in the university level of 2023 PILMAPRES

Dwi and Sekar became representatives of the Computer Science Education Study Program and the Computer Science Study Program to take part in the University-level PILMAPRES selection. The stages that were passed for the selection of outstanding university-level students were student quarantine which was carried out for 3 days and 2 nights from Monday, April 3, 2023, to Wednesday, April 5, 2023, and took place at the Travello Hotel, Bandung. During quarantine, all PILMAPRES students took part in a selection that consisted of three stages, namely, excellent achievement interviews, creative idea achievements, and English language interviews. Through this selection, all PILMAPRES students were asked to explain in detail the requirements they had previously submitted to take part in the selection stages with judges who were experts in their respective fields. Based on the selection results, 11 people consisting of 10 students from the Bachelor level and 1 student from the Diploma level were selected to become UPI Outstanding Students in 2023.

Figure 3. Dwi is participating in the University level selection at Hotel Travello, Bandung.

Dwi was later named the 10 UPI Outstanding Students in 2023 based on outstanding achievements. It’s not surprising when you consider Dwi’s accomplishments so far. For information, Dwi is part of the Nandiyanto Research Group (NRG) research team led by Prof. Dr. Eng. Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, S.T. M.Eng. which focuses on conducting research and publications at the Indonesian University of Education. Currently, Dwi has 10 Scopus-indexed publications and 2 nationally-indexed publications (Sinta 4). In addition, Dwi has produced 1 book and has been the editor of several books.

Figure 4. Publications owned by Dwi Novia Al Husaeni


This achievement could not have been separated from the support of various parties. There is support both morally and materially from family, friends, lecturers of the Computer Science Education Study Program and Computer Science Study Program, as well as the Nandiyanto Research Group (NRG) research team. Dwi revealed that she probably would not have been able to complete the selection of outstanding students without the help of these parties. “Alhamdulillah, I’m very grateful to have met good people who want to be bothered during their holidays and want to be disturbed during their rest, the main thing is thanking and gratitude for them, because without their help Dwi would not be able to complete the top 10 selection, maybe even completing the requirements,” Dwi said.

Congratulations to Dwi and Sekar who have fought their way up to the University level selection. We hope that this achievement can motivate students of the Computer Science Education Study Program and Computer Science Study Program to continue to pursue achievements. “Never be afraid to try because what we feared is usually not entirely true” Dwi said.


Writers: M. Cahya