Master Program

Master Program of Computer Science Education

9 Students from the Computer Science Education Department will receive funds in 2023 PKM
  by Dwi Novia Alhusaeni    Jun 27, 2023

The Student Creativity Program (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa or PKM) is one of the important and prestigious programs aimed at providing support to students in developing their creativity and innovation. This year, there are 8 categories of PKM that can be participated by students, including:

  1. PKM Karsa Cipta (PKMK)
  2. PKM Karsa Cipta Ide Tulis (PKMKC)
  3. PKM Karsa Cipta Industri (PKMKI)
  4. PKM Research and Community Service (PKMPI)
  5. PKM Applied Research (PKMPM)
  6. PKM Exact Research (PKMRE)
  7. PKM Research Social Humanities Work (PKMRSH)
  8. PKM Video and Creative Games (PKMVGK)

The series of activities for the 2023 UPI’s PKM has started since January 2023. Students who have creative and innovative ideas and intend to participate in UPI’s PKM 2023 are requested to submit their research proposals between January 16th and January 31st, 2023. Hundreds of teams from various study programs at UPI eagerly submitted their ideas and concepts in the form of research proposals, which will then undergo administrative and desk evaluation.

Recently, on June 15th, 2023, an announcement was made regarding the teams that successfully passed the selection stage and will receive funding from UPI. A total of 116 proposals will be funded, with the overall funding received by all UPI’s PKM teams amounting to Rp. 899,050,000 (source:

Among the many students who participated in the PKM Proposal selection, 9 students from the Computer Science Education Department successfully passed the selection stage, and their PKM proposals will receive funding from UPI. The nine students are as follows:

This achievement is the result of hard work and collaboration between the students and research supervisors. Despite the fact that many teams consist of students from various study programs, this is not a problem and does not diminish the students’ enthusiasm to actively contribute and provide benefits to the community through their creative and innovative ideas.

“I am touched and couldn’t believe that I passed this funding. Hopefully, the product can be completed with maximum effort and, of course, beneficial for deaf children out there,” said Hasbi, one of the students from the Computer Science Education Department who successfully obtained funding from UPI PKM 2023.

Congratulations and best wishes to all the UPI PKM 2023 funding recipients, especially to the nine students from the Computer Science Education Department. May this funding assistance help realize the creative and innovative ideas of the students, enabling them to contribute and provide tangible benefits to society.


Writers: M.Cahya