About Us
With the historical background of the nation's growth, which realized that efforts to educate and educate the nation were an important part of filling independence, then on Wednesday, October 20, 1954, PTPG was established. This was a realization of the Decree of the Minister of Education, Teaching and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 357 dated September 2, 1954 concerning the establishment of the Teacher Training College.
Initially, PTPG was led by a Dean, who was in charge of several departments, one of which was the Natural Science Department. In 1958, PTPG was integrated into one of the faculties of Padjadjaran University, with the name of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP). In 1963, FKIP became IKIP Bandung as the only university-level teacher education institution. At that time, our department was one of the departments in the Faculty of Exact Science Teacher Training, with the name of the Natural Science Department. And in 1972 there was a name change to the Physics Education Department.
In line with government policies in the field of higher education which provided an expansion of the mandate for LPTK, in October 1998 IKIP Bandung changed its name to the Indonesian Education University. And from that moment on our department was in charge of two study programs, the Physics Education Study Program and the Physics Study Program.
Head of the Department from time to time:
1955-1960: Haryadi Supangat
1960-1964: Sumitro
1964-1969: Susanto Darmodjo
1969-1973: Achmad A. Hinduan
1973-1977: Hasyim Soedarbo
1977-1981: Sidharta M. Duriat/Wahyana
1981-1984: Engelhart Budi Kase
1985-1989: Soebaya Singalaksana/Omang Wirasasmita
1989-1993: Soebaya Singalaksana/Omang Wirasasmita
1993-1997: Roswati Mudjiarto/Didi Teguh Candra
1997-1999: Roswati Mudjiarto + Omang Wirasasmita/Unang Purwana
1999-2003: Omang Wirasasmita/Ida Kaniawati + Unang Purwana
2003-2007: Taufik Ramlan Ramalis/Hikmat/Sutrisno/Saeful Karim
2007-2011: Taufik Ramlan Ramalis/Ida Kaniawati/I Made Padri/Andi Suhandi
2011-2015: Ida Kaniawati/Dadi Rusdiana/Setiya Utari/Andi Suhandi
2015-2017: Dadi Rusdiana/Winny Liliawati/Muslim/Andhy Setiawan
2017-2019: Taufik Ramlan Ramalis/Winny Liliawati/Muslim/Andhy Setiawan
2019-2023: Taufik Ramlan Ramalis/Winny Liliawati/Achmad Samsudin/Endi Suhendi
Juli, 2023 FPMIPA UPI to divide the Department of Physics Education into an Integrated Study Program for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Physics Education with one Head of Study Program assisted by one Secretary of Study Program, and one Head of Undergraduate Physics Study Program.
2023-2027: Achmad Samsudin/Irma Rahma Suwarma/Endi Suhendi