Chemistry Education for Sustainable Development

Chemistry Education for Sustainable Development

Team of Lecturers

Dr. Hernani, M. Sc

Dr. Soja Siti Fatimah, M.Sc.

Dr. rer. Nat. Asep Supriatna, M.Sc.


1. Results of the International Comparative Study PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) held by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) in 2000, 2003, 2006 and 2009.

2. Issues of National Character Education

3. Issues of ESD in the World of Education

4. Recommendations from the Puspendik Science Literacy Team (Firman, et al., 2000) to
develop “PISA-Science” learning.

5. The importance of developing teacher professionalism (inservice teachers)


By 2025, becoming a pioneering and superior research group in the national scope in the field of science/chemistry literacy and Lesson Study


1. Disseminating learning ideas to improve science/chemistry literacy for students and the general public, one of which is through the ESD approach.

2. Developing scientific studies of learning to improve science/chemistry literacy according to the needs of society and the development of science.

3. Organizing services to the community in the field of science/chemistry literacy learning

4. Developing and strengthening local, national, regional and international networks and partnerships, in a professional teacher development forum.


1. Creating a science/chemistry literate society through formal and non-formal education.

2. Producing research products (learning models, teaching materials, learning media and assessment measuring tools) based on science/chemistry literacy learning.

3. Producing community service works related to science literacy learning. 4. Establishing networks and partnerships in the implementation of education, research and community service functions with various institutions.


1. Creating a society that is literate in science/chemistry that can support Indonesia's national development and be globally competitive.

2. Availability of various research and development works (learning models, teaching materials, learning media and assessment tools) based on science/chemistry literacy learning that can answer community problems and needs.

3. Availability of various innovative community service works related to science literacy learning to solve community problems.

4. Creation of networks and partnerships with various institutions to improve the quality of implementation of education, research and community service functions.

Achievement Strategy

1. Development of a scientific roadmap that is responsive to the development of science and community needs.

2. Implementation of quality science and technology literacy learning activities based on research and development results.

3. Continuous improvement of the qualifications and competencies of the development team through further studies, training, workshops and internships.

4. Implementation of community service activities in the form of socialization, training, workshops and implementation of research results on science and technology literacy learning.

5. Improvement of educational facilities and infrastructure, research, and community service in the field of science and technology literacy learning.

6. Strengthening partnership networks with various institutions through cooperation in the fields of education, research, and community service related to science and technology literacy learning.
