History of MP-CE

The Master Program of Chemistry Education (MP-CE) was established on May 24, 2012 based on the Decree of the Rector of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Number 3406/UN40/DT/2012 and began its formal academic activities in the 2012/2013 academic year. This study program was born from one of the academic concentrations in the study program which since the beginning of the establishment of the UPI Postgraduate School (formerly named the IKIP Bandung Post-Doctoral Program) has existed, namely the Master Study Program in Natural Science Education (IPA). The birth of this study program was triggered by demands for institutional capacity development (resources and facilities / infrastructure available at the Department of Chemical Education FPMIPA UPI) and the need for the development of chemical education as a solid scientific discipline. Since its birth, MP-CE has been an integrated study program with the undergraduate Chemistry Education Study Program. The process of implementing academic activities is coordinated with the Department of Chemical Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education (FPMIPA). The current accreditation rating of the Study Program is A with BAN-PT Decree Number: 3056/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/VIII/2019 which is valid until August 14, 2024.