Guest Lecturer “Development Of A New Educational Method Through Global Collaboration Using An Online Education System In A Society 5.0 World” with Prof. Jun Nomura, Ph. D from Chiba University Japan
  by Adinda FPMIPA    Mar 06, 2024

(From left to the right) Tuszie Widhiyanti, Ph. D, Prof. Jun Nomura, Ph. D., & Miarti Khikmatun N, M. Pd.

The Indonesian University of Education held a guest lecturer with the theme Development Of A New Educational Method Through Global Collaboration Using An Online Education System In A Society 5.0 World. This activity took place on March 6 2024 at the JICA Auditorium, FPMIPA. The speaker for this activity was Prof. Jun Nomura, Ph. D. who is a professor of education from Chiba University.

Prof. Jun Nomura explained the importance of collaboration in building a better educational situation for the world. This collaboration involves the exchange of knowledge between local conditions in each country. The transfer of knowledge and culture between countries can prepare prospective teachers who are ready in various conditions and understand many things. Also, Industry 4.0 followed by society 5.0 requires teachers as implementers of education to adapt to the era of very rapid development of technology and information. The use of appropriate technology and implementation of SDG’s in education supports educational progress today.

Students listen to the lecturer

On this occasion, Prof. Jun Nomura also introduced the TWINCLE (Twin College Envoys) Program as a forum for collaboration between prospective teachers in Japan and prospective teachers in ASEAN. This program is intended to develop knowledge and education to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a world’s goal. This program has involved several ASEAN countries such as Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and the Philippines. The TWINCLE program consortium involves 9 countries, 19 universities and 34 high schools. The result of this program is that prospective teachers from Japan and ASEAN countries, both in the fields of science and social arts, have internship experience in countries with different cultures and also collaboration between researchers, teachers and students. (amca)