Fabrication Laboratory Education UPI was hosting another workshop on February 28, 2025, focusing on the Laser Cutting Machine. This workshop aims to train participants to utilize Laser Cutting Machines for creative industrial production and the creation of learning media.
Mrs. Miarti Khikmatun Nais, M.Pd, the speaker in this workshop, explained the working principles of laser cutting machines, the types of laser cutting machines, and the safety rules for operating laser cutting machines. Mrs. Miarti also emphasized that laser cutting machines are not only used in the industrial sector but can also be used to develop learning media.
After the short brief about the laser cutting, the participants were invited to practice operating the machine, guided by Vito Winata Haunan. In this session, the participants observed the steps in operating the laser cutting machine. After observing, the participants were allowed to operate the laser cutting machine themselves.